Deltazyme is an enzyme used to increase the availability of sugars in the fermentation. Deltazyme AMG is capable of producing a high degree of true attenuation in grain fermentation when added to the fermenter, as well as allowing for the production of high alcohol beers and can also produce low carbohydrate diabetic beer with increased alcohol strength. AMG is also effective during the mash, with an optimal temperature of 58°C to 65°C
Deltazyme AMG, an amyloglucosidase preparation produced from Aspergillus niger, hydrolyses both the hydrolysing (1-4) and (1-6) glucose linkages in starch allowing for almost complete conversion to glucose.
Usage rate: 1 tablespoon per 23L batch
Available in 50g or 250g, please select from the product dropdown box
alpha amylase
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